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Florentine Chicken Alfredo

If you are a pasta lover and you like to experiment with different flavors, the Florentine Chicken Alfredo recipe is perfect for you. This recipe is a variation of the classic Alfredo, in which chicken and spinach are added to give it a healthier and more delicious touch. Below, we show you the ingredients and steps to prepare this delicious recipe.

Florentine Chicken Alfredo

Florentine Chicken Alfredo

Chicken Alfredo Florentine is an Italian-American dish that combines sliced ​​chicken breast with a thick, creamy alfredo sauce and fresh spinach. It is an easy to prepare and delicious dish that combines the flavors of chicken meat with a creamy and rich-flavored sauce.

Curse Recipekitchen PastaDifficulty Half










  • 400 grams Linguine pasta

  • 500 grams Chicken breast

  • 1 und Chopped onion

  • 3 cloves chopped garlic

  • 1 Cup fresh spinach

  • 1 Cup Milk cream

  • 1 Cup Grated Parmesan cheese

  • 3 tablespoons butter

  • 1 trickle oliva oil

  • 1 Pinch Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cook pasta in boiling salted water according to package directions.
  • Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and minced garlic and cook until golden.
  • Add the chicken cut into small pieces and cook until golden brown. Next, add the fresh spinach and cook until wilted.
  • Add the heavy cream and butter to the pan and mix well. Add the grated Parmesan cheese and mix until completely melted and smooth.
  • Drain the pasta and add it to the pan with the sauce. Mix well so that the pasta is completely covered with the sauce.
  • Serve hot and enjoy this delicious dish.


  • Enjoy!
Florentine Chicken Alfredo
Florentine Chicken Alfredo

Additional tips for your Florentine Chicken Alfredo:

  • If you wish, you can add chopped mushrooms to the chicken and spinach mixture to add more flavor and texture to the recipe.
  • Be sure not to overcook the pasta, as this can cause it to become mushy and lose its al dente texture.
  • If you don't have heavy cream, you can use evaporated milk as a substitute.

Now that you know the ingredients and the steps to prepare the Florentine Chicken Alfredo recipe, it is important to highlight that this recipe can be an excellent option for a family dinner or to surprise your friends with a delicious and easy-to-prepare dish.

Also, if you are looking to improve your health, this recipe can be an excellent option since spinach is a source of iron and vitamins, while chicken is an excellent source of lean protein.

In conclusion, the Florentine Chicken Alfredo recipe is an excellent option for those looking for a quick, easy and delicious dinner. With just a few ingredients, you can

Health benefits

Florentine chicken alfredo is a dish rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Here are some possible health benefits associated with the ingredients used:

  1. Chicken: It is a good source of protein and low in saturated fat, making it a healthy option to maintain muscle mass and heart health.
  2. Spinach: They are rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as iron, fiber and antioxidants that help prevent chronic diseases.
  3. Alfredo sauce: Alfredo sauce is high in fat and calories, but it can also provide calcium and protein thanks to the Parmesan cheese used.

It's important to remember that the key to maintaining a healthy diet is to consume chicken alfredo Florentine in moderation and balance it with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for a variety of nutrients.

Image credits: freepik

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