Nasi Goreng recipe
Nasi Goreng recipe

Authentic Nasi Goreng: Discover the Secrets of Indonesian Cuisine

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Discover a delicious culinary adventure with our step-by-step recipe for Nasi Goreng, a classic of Indonesian cuisine. With intense flavors and irresistible textures, our Nasi Goreng will transport you to the vibrant street markets of Indonesia. Learn how to make this iconic dish with fried rice, fresh vegetables, and a variety of protein options. Surprise your friends and family with an authentic and tasty dining experience today!

Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng is a classic dish of Indonesian cuisine, where rice is transformed into a delicious fried mixture with intense flavors. This recipe combines rice cooked with garlic, onion, carrot, peas and protein options such as chicken or tofu, seasoned with soy sauce and fish sauce for an authentic flavor. Serve hot, with fried eggs on top for a creamy touch and optional fresh cilantro to decorate.

Curse Recipekitchen InternationalDifficulty Easy








Total Time




  • 1 coup of cooked rice (preferably long grain rice)

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 Tablespoons of cooking oil (you can use sunflower or peanut oil)

  • 2 cloves chopped garlic

  • 1 chopped onion

  • 1 grated carrot

  • 1 Cup of green peas (can be fresh or frozen – green peas or peas.)

  • 200 grams of chicken, shrimp or tofu (optional)

  • 2 Tablespoons of soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Chopped fresh cilantro to decorate (optional)

  • Lemon cut into wedges to serve (optional)


  • Preparation of ingredients:
  • Cook the rice according to package instructions and let it cool. It is best to use rice that has been refrigerated for at least a few hours or overnight, as this will help make it firmer and drier for frying.
  • If you are using chicken, shrimp or tofu, cut them into small pieces and season with a little salt and pepper.
  • Fry the eggs:
  • Heat a little oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  • Crack the eggs into the pan and fry until the whites are firm but the yolks are still runny. Then, remove the eggs from the pan and set them aside.
  • Sauté the ingredients:
  • In the same pan, add a little more oil if necessary and heat it.
  • Add the minced garlic and chopped onion, and sauté until fragrant and lightly browned.
  • Add the grated carrot and green peas, and cook for a few minutes until tender.
  • If you are using chicken, shrimp or tofu, add them to the pan and cook until fully cooked.
  • Add the rice and seasonings:
  • Add the cooked rice to the pan and mix well with the other ingredients.
  • Pour the soy sauce, fish sauce (if using), and sugar over the rice, and mix until well combined.
  • Cook for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally, so that all the flavors are mixed and the rice is hot.
  • Serve
  • Divide the Nasi Goreng into individual plates.
  • Serve with fried eggs on top.
  • Optionally, garnish with fresh chopped cilantro and serve with lemon wedges on the side to squeeze over the plate before eating.


  • Chilled rice: For best results, use cooked rice that has been refrigerated for at least a few hours or overnight. This will help the rice to be firmer and drier, making it easier to fry without it becoming sticky.
  • Fresh ingredients: Use fresh ingredients whenever possible. Fresh vegetables such as onion, garlic, carrots and peas will add more flavor and texture to the dish.
  • High heat: When you are frying the rice, make sure the wok or pan is very hot before adding the ingredients. This will help prevent the rice from becoming soggy and ensure quick, even stir-frying.
  • Soy sauce to taste: The amount of soy sauce can vary depending on your personal preferences. Taste the Nasi Goreng while you are cooking it and adjust the amount of soy sauce according to your taste.
  • Optional protein: If you decide to add chicken, shrimp, or tofu, be sure to cook them completely before adding the rice. This will ensure that the protein is cooked through and blends perfectly with the other ingredients.
  • Cool decoration: Before serving, garnish the Nasi Goreng with fresh chopped cilantro. This will not only add a touch of color, but also a fresh aroma that will enhance the flavor of the dish.
  • Creativity in ingredients: Feel free to experiment with the ingredients according to your preferences. You can add other vegetables like bean sprouts, sweet corn, mushrooms, etc. to personalize your Nasi Goreng.

Nutritional information

  • Calories 350kcal
  • Carbohydrates 60g
  • Protein 20g
  • Fat 15g
  • Saturated fat: 3g
  • Sodium: 800mg
  • Fiber 8g
  • Sugar 5g
Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng and health benefits

Nasi Goreng, as a main dish, can have some health benefits, especially if prepared with fresh ingredients and balanced with an overall healthy diet. Here are some possible health benefits associated with this dish:

  1. Protein source: Depending on the ingredients used, such as chicken, shrimp or tofu, Nasi Goreng can provide a good amount of protein, which is essential for muscle health, cell repair and overall body function.
  2. Nutritious vegetables: Nasi Goreng often contains a variety of vegetables such as onion, carrot and peas, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients are important for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing disease.
  3. Optional brown rice: If brown rice is used instead of white rice, Nasi Goreng can be a good source of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, which helps maintain stable energy levels and promote digestive health.
  4. Adaptability to specific diets: Nasi Goreng can be adapted to suit different dietary needs, such as gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan diets, making it a versatile option for a variety of lifestyles and dietary preferences.
  5. Balanced fat consumption: Depending on the amount and type of oil used in the preparation, Nasi Goreng can provide healthy fats in moderate amounts, which is important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and cardiovascular health.

However, it is important to note that Nasi Goreng can be high in calories and sodium depending on the amount of oil and soy sauce used in the recipe, as well as any additional seasonings. As with any food, balance and moderation are key to enjoying the health benefits without overdoing it on unwanted calories or nutrients.

History of Nasi Goreng

History of Nasi Goreng
History of Nasi Goreng

The history of Nasi Goreng is fascinating and deeply rooted in Indonesian culinary culture. Although the exact roots of this recipe are difficult to trace precisely, Nasi Goreng is believed to have its origins in colonial Indonesia and has become an iconic dish of the country's cuisine.

During the colonization of Indonesia by the Dutch in the 17th and 18th centuries, a fusion of cultures and cuisines occurred that profoundly influenced the region's gastronomy. Dutch colonizers introduced ingredients such as rice, onions and carrots, which were combined with local spices and cooking techniques.

Nasi Goreng, which literally means “fried rice” in Indonesian, has become a popular way to make the most of leftover cooked rice and other available ingredients. It was prepared in Indonesian homes and also sold in the bustling street markets of Indonesian cities and towns.

Over time, Nasi Goreng has been adapted and customized in different regions of Indonesia and beyond, with variations including local ingredients and regional preferences. Today, Nasi Goreng is considered a national dish of Indonesia and is served in restaurants and homes across the country, as well as in Indonesian restaurants around the world.

The popularity of Nasi Goreng has also spread to other Southeast Asian countries, where it is enjoyed as a comforting and flavorful dish that represents the rich culinary diversity of the region.

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