chicken wrap
chicken wrap

Chicken wrap with mushrooms

This wrap recipe is a tasty and nutritious option for a quick and easy dinner. Wraps are filled tortillas that can be eaten with your hands, making them an option to take anywhere. This recipe is a good source of protein and fiber, and is low in trans fat, making it a heart-healthy option. With a short prep time and quick cooking time, this recipe is perfect for a quick and easy dinner any day of the week.

Chicken wrap with mushrooms

Chicken wrap with mushrooms

This Mushroom Chicken Wrap recipe is a quick and easy option for a light dinner. Wraps are tortillas filled with various ingredients that can be rolled up and eaten with your hands, making them an excellent option to take anywhere.

Curse Recipekitchen FussionDifficulty Easy










  • 4 und Wheat tortillas

  • 2 und Chicken breasts

  • 1 und onion

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 200 grams musshrooms

  • 1 und Red pepper (Optional)

  • 1 Cup Grated cheese

  • 1 Cup Chopped lettuce

  • 1 Pinch Salt and pepper to taste

  • 1 trickle oliva oil


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Wash the mushrooms and chop them into small pieces.
  • Chop the onion and garlic finely.
  • Cut the chicken breasts into small cubes and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a little olive oil.
  • Add the onion and garlic to the pan and cook until golden.
  • Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook until tender.
  • Add the red pepper and chicken to the pan and cook until the chicken is golden brown and cooked through.
  • Heat the tortillas in the oven or in a skillet until soft and pliable.
  • Place a tortilla on a cutting board and add a portion of the chicken and mushroom mixture to the center of the tortilla.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese over the chicken and mushroom mixture.
  • Add chopped lettuce on top of the cheese.
  • Fold the sides of the tortilla toward the center and then roll the tortilla from the bottom up.
  • Repeat steps 10 to 13 with the other tortillas
  • Cut the wraps into halves or quarters and serve.


  • You can replace the chicken with beef, pork or turkey depending on your preference.
  • If you prefer a spicier flavor, you can add chopped jalapenos to the chicken and mushroom mixture.
  • To make the tortilla more flexible, you can microwave it for a few seconds before filling it.
  • You can accompany the Chicken Wrap with Mushrooms with an avocado sauce or a tomato sauce.
Plated chicken wrap with mushrooms

The chicken wrap with mushrooms and the health benefits

Chicken Wrap with Mushrooms is a tasty and healthy option for a quick and easy dinner. In addition to its delicious taste, this recipe offers several health benefits due to its ingredients. For example, chicken is an excellent source of lean protein, making it an ideal food for building muscle and repairing body tissue. Plus, both chicken and mushrooms have low levels of saturated fat, making them a heart-healthy choice.

The whole wheat tortillas used for the wraps provide a good source of fiber, which helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Both chicken and mushrooms contain a variety of vitamins and minerals essential for good health, such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins.

This chicken and mushroom wrap recipe is a healthy and delicious option for a quick and easy dinner. It is a good source of protein, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals for good health.

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