
Okonomiyaki: The Pleasure of Japanese Cuisine on your Table

In this Okonomiyaki recipe, you can enjoy a tasty Japanese dish that combines shredded cabbage, flour, and a variety of ingredients of your choice. The dough is cooked in a pan to a golden, crispy base, and can be complemented with pancetta or bacon to add a smoky and salty touch. Once ready, it is served with Okonomiyaki sauce, Japanese mayonnaise and decorated with aonori (dried powdered seaweed) and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) to enhance its flavor and presentation. Experiment with different combinations of ingredients and customize your Okonomiyaki to your liking. Enjoy this traditional Japanese recipe in the comfort of your home!

    Okonomiyaki Recipe

    Okonomiyaki Recipe

    In this article, we present you a delicious recipe for Okonomiyaki, a traditional Japanese dish that combines a mixture of shredded cabbage, flour and various ingredients of your choice. You will learn how to prepare this exquisite dish that resembles a type of pancake or omelet, with the option to customize it with shrimp, chicken, pork or a variety of vegetables. In addition, we will give you a detailed description of how to cook Okonomiyaki and share the secrets of authentic Okonomiyaki sauce to enhance its flavor. Immerse yourself in Japanese cuisine with this unique recipe and delight yourself with homemade Okonomiyaki!

    Curse Recipekitchen InternationalDifficulty Half


    Prep time


    Cooking time




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    • 2 cups of shredded cabbage

    • 1 cup of flour

    • 3/4 cup of water

    • 2 eggs

    • 4 slices of pancetta or bacon (optional)

    • 1 cup shrimp, chicken, pork, or a combination of them (optional)

    • 1 cup chopped squid (optional)

    • 1 cup chopped vegetables (onion, carrot, zucchini, etc.)

    • 2 chopped chives

    • Vegetable oil for cooking

    • Okonomiyaki sauce (you can buy it in specialized stores or make it by mixing soy sauce, ketchup and Worcestershire to taste)

    • Japanese mayonnaise (optional)

    • Aonori (dried seaweed powder)

    • Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)


    • In a large bowl, mix the flour, water and eggs until you have a soft dough. Add the shredded cabbage, chopped vegetables, and any other choice of additional ingredients you desire.
    • Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add a little vegetable oil. Pour a portion of the mixture into the pan, forming a circle approximately 15 cm in diameter.
    • Optionally, place some slices of pancetta or bacon on top of the mixture in the pan. Cook for about 3-4 minutes until the base is golden brown.
    • Carefully flip the okonomiyaki using a large spatula. Cook for another 3-4 minutes until the other side is also golden brown.
    • Transfer the okonomiyaki to a plate and repeat the process with the rest of the dough and ingredients.
    • Once all the okonomiyakis are ready, decorate them with Okonomiyaki sauce, Japanese mayonnaise to taste, sprinkle with aonori and finish with katsuobushi flakes.
    • Serve hot and enjoy your delicious Japanese Okonomiyaki.
    • Additional information: The dry bonito, also know as katsuobushi, is an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine and specifically in the preparation of dishes such as Okonomiyaki. It is a variety of bonito (a type of fish similar to tuna) that has been subjected to a drying and fermentation process.
      Dried bonito is obtained by smoking and air-drying the fish's loins. Once the bonito has been dehydrated, it is cut into thin slices or scraped into flakes. These dried bonito flakes, known as katsuobushi, are used in Japanese cuisine to add flavor, umami and a special touch to many dishes, including Okonomiyaki.
      When Okonomiyaki is served hot, dried bonito flakes are placed on the surface of the plate. The residual heat causes the flakes to move and curl, creating an interesting visual effect. In addition to their decorative function, dried bonito flakes provide a smoky and salty flavor to the dish, enhancing its flavor profile.
      Dried bonito is valued for its high glutamic acid content, which is responsible for the umami flavor. Umami is considered the fifth basic flavor along with sweet, salty, sour and bitter, and adds depth and complexity to dishes.
      In short, dried bonito, known as katsuobushi, is an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine that is used in Okonomiyaki and other dishes to provide umami flavor, a unique texture and a decorative touch.


    • Be sure to grate the cabbage finely so that it mixes well with the batter and cooks evenly.
    • If you choose to add additional ingredients like shrimp, chicken, pork, or squid, be sure to chop them into small pieces so they cook properly.
    • When cooking the Okonomiyaki in the pan, use a large spatula to carefully flip it over to make sure both sides are nicely browned.
    • If you want a fluffier Okonomiyaki, you can add a little baking soda to the dough.
    • Customize your Okonomiyaki with different sauces and seasonings. In addition to Okonomiyaki sauce and Japanese mayonnaise, you can also add soy sauce, oyster sauce, or even Sriracha for a spicy kick.
    • When serving, generously sprinkle aonori (dried seaweed powder) and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) over the Okonomiyaki. The bonito flakes will move and curl with the residual heat of the Okonomiyaki, giving it a visually appealing look.
    • You can accompany your Okonomiyaki with a fresh salad or white rice for a complete meal.

    Nutritional information

    • Calories 500kcal
    • Carbohydrates 50g
    • Protein 20g
    • Fat 20g
    • Fiber 8g
    Okonomiyaki Recipe
    Okonomiyaki Recipe

    Okonomiyaki and health benefits

    Japanese cuisine surprises us with a wide variety of exquisite and healthy dishes, and Okonomiyaki is no exception. This traditional dish, similar to a type of pancake or omelette, combines a base of shredded cabbage and flour with a variety of customizable toppings. In addition to its unmatched flavor, Okonomiyaki offers numerous health benefits, thanks to the inclusion of fresh ingredients and key nutrients. In this essay, we will explore the Okonomiyaki recipe and analyze the benefits it can bring to our health.

    Okonomiyaki is based on a mixture of shredded cabbage, which is rich in vitamins A and C, antioxidants and dietary fiber. These nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, eye health, and regulation of the digestive system. Additionally, cabbage contains antioxidant compounds that can help fight free radical damage in the body.

    This dish also allows for the inclusion of a variety of ingredients such as shrimp, chicken, pork, and vegetables. These additional lean proteins and fiber sources provide satiety and help maintain proper balance in the diet. Shrimp, for example, are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can contribute to cardiovascular and brain health.

    Likewise, Okonomiyaki sauce, which is served as a condiment, usually combines soy sauce, ketchup, and Worcestershire. Soy sauce is a source of essential amino acids and minerals such as iron and potassium. Additionally, it contains isoflavones, plant compounds believed to have antioxidant properties and hormonal health benefits.

    On the other hand, preparing Okonomiyaki on the grill or in a pan requires less oil compared to other cooking techniques, which reduces the saturated fat content in the final dish. Additionally, by using fresh ingredients and avoiding unnecessary additives, Okonomiyaki becomes a healthier option compared to processed or fast foods.

    History of Okonomiyaki

    Okonomiyaki is a specialty of Japanese cuisine that has its roots in the Kansai region, specifically Osaka and Hiroshima. The term “okonomiyaki” roughly translates to “whatever you like” or “whatever you want,” reflecting the versatility of this dish, as ingredients can vary depending on personal tastes and region.

    The history of okonomiyaki dates back to the Edo period in Japan (1603-1868), when ingredients such as cabbage, flour and water began to be used to make simple pancakes. Over time, this dish evolved to include a variety of ingredients such as seafood, meat, vegetables, and noodles.

    In the Kansai region, particularly Osaka, okonomiyaki became a popular dish among the working class during the 19th century. It was prepared in street stalls and taverns, and each person could customize their okonomiyaki with the ingredients of their choice, making it an economical and delicious option for eating.

    On the other hand, in the Hiroshima region, a unique variant of okonomiyaki was developed that features adding layers of yakisoba noodles between the ingredients, creating a more substantial and hearty version of the dish.

    Today, okonomiyaki is popular throughout Japan and is served in specialty restaurants known as “okonomiyaki-ya,” where customers can enjoy this grilled delicacy at their table. Okonomiyaki is also commonly found at street food festivals and local events across the country, demonstrating its roots in Japanese food culture.

    In conclusion

    Okonomiyaki, that delicious Japanese dish, not only captivates us with its unique flavor, but also provides us with health benefits. By combining fresh ingredients, rich in essential nutrients, and using healthier cooking techniques, Okonomiyaki becomes a nutritious culinary option. From the supply of vitamins and antioxidants to the inclusion of lean proteins, this dish offers a balanced combination of essential nutrients. So, the next time you enjoy Okonomiyaki, savor every bite knowing that you are taking care of your palate and your overall well-being.

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