
Easy and delicious cheese recipe to prepare at home

Get ready to awaken your senses and delight your palate with the incomparable flavor and creamy texture of fresh homemade cheese. Don't miss this unique experience full of flavor and creativity!

How to prepare Cheese

How to prepare Cheese

Do you want to learn how to make your own fresh cheese at home? You are in the right place! In this simple step-by-step guide, I'll show you how to make delicious homemade fresh cheese with basic ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. You don't need to be a cheese expert to enjoy this recipe!

Curse Recipekitchen DairyDifficulty Easy





total time




  • 2 liters of fresh whole milk

  • 1/4 Cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
    Salt to taste (optional)


  • Heat the milk: In a large pot, pour the 2 liters of fresh whole milk and heat it over medium heat. It's important not to let it boil, just heat it until it's lukewarm, around 85°C (185°F).
  • Add the lemon juice: Once the milk is warm, remove the pot from the heat and slowly add the freshly squeezed lemon juice, stirring gently as you do. You will notice that the milk will begin to separate into curds (solid part) and whey (liquid part).
  • Let stand: After adding the lemon juice, let the mixture sit for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the curds will completely separate from the whey.
  • Strain the curd: Place a large strainer over a bowl and cover the strainer with cheesecloth or a clean cloth. Pour the milk and lemon mixture into the strainer to separate the curds from the whey. Let it drain for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Shape the cheese: After draining, you can salt the curd to taste if you wish. Then, wrap the curd in the cheesecloth and press gently to mold it into a round or square shape, depending on your preference.
  • Refrigerate and enjoy: Once you've shaped the cheese, refrigerate it for at least 1 hour to let it set and get a firmer texture. And ready! You can now enjoy your homemade fresh cheese in salads, sandwiches or simply on its own.
  • Conclusion: Making homemade fresh cheese is a rewarding and surprisingly easy experience. With just a few basic ingredients and a little patience, you can enjoy delicious, fresh cheese in the comfort of your home. Dare to try this recipe and surprise your friends and family with your cheesemaking talent!


  • Use fresh, high-quality milk: For best results, use fresh, high-quality whole milk. The freshness and quality of the milk will directly affect the final flavor and texture of the fresh cheese.
  • Adjust the acidity according to your preference: Lemon juice is used to curdle milk and separate it into curds and whey. You can adjust the amount of lemon juice depending on your preference for acidity in the cheese.
  • Don't let the milk boil: It is important to heat the milk only until it is lukewarm, around 85°C (185°F). Avoid boiling, as this can affect the final texture of the cheese.
  • Use a thermometer: If you have a kitchen thermometer, use it to monitor the temperature of the milk. Keeping it within the proper range will ensure good curd formation.
  • Be patient during draining: Allow the curd to drain completely to remove excess whey. Don't rush this step, as a well-drained curd will result in a firmer fresh cheese.
  • Experiment with flavors: Once you're comfortable with the basic recipe, don't hesitate to experiment! You can add fresh herbs, spices or even lemon zest to flavor the fresh cheese.
  • Store properly: Once refrigerated, homemade queso fresco will stay fresh for several days in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Make sure you store it correctly to maintain its freshness and flavor.

Nutritional information

  • Calories 250kcal
  • Carbohydrates 3g
  • Protein 18g
  • Fat 18g
  • Saturated fat: 11g
  • Cholesterol: 60mg
  • Sodium: 500mg
  • Sugar 3g
Cheese board
Cheese board

Cheese and health benefits

Homemade fresh cheese, like other dairy products, can offer a number of health benefits when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Protein source: Fresh cheese is a good source of high-quality protein, which is essential for tissue repair and growth in the body.
  2. Calcium: It is an excellent source of calcium, essential for bone and dental health. Regular consumption of dairy products such as fresh cheese can help prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.
  3. Vitamins and minerals Fresh cheese contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin B12, phosphorus and zinc, which are important for various bodily functions, such as immune function and skin health.
  4. Cardiovascular health: Although fresh cheese contains saturated fat, consuming it in moderation as part of a balanced diet can be part of a healthy lifestyle. Some studies suggest that dairy may have a neutral or even protective effect on cardiovascular health.
  5. Satiating: Due to its protein and fat content, fresh cheese can help increase feelings of satiety, which can be helpful in controlling appetite and maintaining a healthy weight when consumed as part of a balanced diet.

It is important to remember that, as with any food, moderation is key. Homemade fresh cheese can be part of a healthy diet, but should be consumed in moderation, especially for those who are watching their calorie, saturated fat, or sodium intake. It is always advisable to consult with a health professional or dietitian for personalized diet and nutrition recommendations.

Cheese that stretches
Cheese that stretches

Cheese History

Cheese making is a practice that dates back thousands of years and has its origins in different cultures around the world. Although the exact history of the homemade fresh cheese recipe may vary by region and specific culinary tradition, here is an overview of the history behind cheese making:

  1. Ancient origins: Cheese production is believed to have originated more than 8,000 years ago, when early humans began to domesticate animals and use milk as a food source. Cheese is said to have been discovered by accident when milk stored in containers made from animal stomachs began to coagulate and form curds due to the action of naturally present bacteria and enzymes.
  2. Technique development: Over the centuries, different cultures developed their own techniques for making cheese, using fermentation, coagulation and ripening methods. These techniques were passed down from generation to generation and adapted according to the resources available in each region, such as types of milk, bacterial cultures and climatic conditions.
  3. Cheese diversity: Over time, a wide variety of cheeses emerged around the world, each with its own distinctive characteristics in flavor, texture and aroma. From soft fresh cheese to hard and aged cheeses, the diversity of cheeses reflects the richness of culinary traditions and the creativity of the communities that make them.
  4. Homemade fresh cheese: The homemade fresh cheese recipe is one of the simplest ways to make cheese and has been practiced for centuries in different parts of the world. It is a way to take advantage of fresh milk and produce a basic and delicious dairy product that can be consumed immediately or used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes.

In short, the history of the homemade fresh cheese recipe is a story of innovation, tradition and culinary creativity that has evolved over millennia and continues to be an important part of food culture around the world.

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