pizza cacera pprtda jpg
pizza cacera pprtda jpg

This homemade pizza recipe is a delicious culinary creation that combines a soft, fluffy dough with a variety of flavorful toppings. From the base of the dough to the flavoring of the added ingredients, homemade pizza offers a personalized and comforting experience for the palate. It can be a quick and satisfying meal that suits different tastes and preferences.

Homemade Pizza Recipe

Homemade Pizza Recipe

Homemade pizza combines delicious dough with a variety of tasty toppings, offering a personalized and satisfying dining experience.

Curse Recipekitchen PastaDifficulty Half












  • For the mass
  • 2 1/2 coup of Wheat flour

  • 1 teaspoon of active dry yeast

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 Cup of Warm water

  • 2 Tablespoons of oliva oil

  • Ingredients for the topping:
  • Tomato sauce

  • Grated mozzarella cheese

  • Additional ingredients such as pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, onion, ham, pineapple, etc. (optional)


  • In a large bowl, mix together the active dry yeast, sugar, and warm water. Let sit for 5 minutes, or until the mixture becomes foamy.
  • Add the flour and salt to the bowl with the yeast. Mix until it forms a soft and elastic dough. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a little more flour.
  • Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5-7 minutes, or until smooth and elastic.
  • Grease another bowl with olive oil and place the dough in it. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and let it rest in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until the dough doubles in size.
  • Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F).
  • Place it on a floured surface and knead it briefly to remove any air.
  • Stretch the dough into the desired shape for your pizza. You can make a round or rectangular pizza depending on your preference.
  • Transfer the stretched dough to a baking sheet previously greased or lined with baking paper.
  • Spread a layer of tomato sauce over the dough and generously sprinkle the grated mozzarella cheese.
    (Do not be guided by the image, the dough should still be on the tray)
  • Add additional ingredients of your choice, such as pepperoni, mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, ham, etc.
  • Bake the pizza in the preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is bubbly and lightly browned.
  • Remove the pizza from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before cutting and serving.


  • Preparation of the dough: Make sure the yeast is active and fresh to obtain a well-risen dough. Let the dough rest in a warm place so it can ferment properly and become fluffy.
  • Proper kneading: Knead the dough enough to develop the gluten and obtain an elastic texture. Avoid over-kneading, as it can make the dough tough.
  • Tomato sauce: Use a good quality tomato sauce and season it with herbs and spices such as oregano, basil or garlic to enhance the flavor.
  • Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh, quality ingredients for a delicious taste. You can experiment with a variety of ingredients such as cheeses, meats, vegetables and herbs depending on your preferences.
  • Preheating the oven: Be sure to preheat the oven to a high temperature for a crispy crust and proper melting of the cheese.
  • Cooking temperature: Adjust the cooking temperature and time according to the thickness of the dough and the ingredients used. If the pizza is overly browned on top but the bottom is not cooked through, you can cover the top with aluminum foil to prevent overbrowning.
  • Cut and served: Let the pizza rest fresh from the oven for a few minutes before cutting it. This will allow the ingredients to set and make the pizza easier to handle.
  • Customization: Don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations of ingredients and flavors. Homemade pizza is an excellent opportunity to let your culinary creativity fly.

Nutritional information

  • Calories 300kcal
  • Carbohydrates 35g
  • Protein 10g
  • Fat 12g
homemade pizza

Eating homemade pizza and the reference to health

The health benefits of homemade pizza can vary depending on the ingredients and the choices made when preparing it. Here are some possible benefits:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: You can control the ingredients you use in homemade pizza, allowing you to balance the nutrients. You can add vegetables, lean proteins, and healthier cheese options to create a more nutritious pizza.
  2. Vegetable intake: Homemade pizza can be a great way to incorporate a variety of vegetables into your diet. Add toppings such as spinach, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions to increase the nutrient and fiber content.
  3. Calcium and protein: Depending on the ingredients you choose, such as mozzarella cheese and proteins such as chicken or fish, homemade pizza can provide a good source of calcium for bone health and protein for muscle repair and growth.
  4. Antioxidants: If you choose to use ingredients rich in antioxidants, such as tomatoes, black olives, or extra virgin olive oil, you can obtain antioxidant benefits that help combat oxidative stress and protect against chronic diseases.
  5. Pleasure and satisfaction: Enjoying a tasty, homemade meal can have emotional and psychological benefits, providing a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure.

However, it is important to remember that the health benefits of homemade pizza will depend on the topping choices and portions consumed. Control portion sizes, use quality ingredients, and balance your overall diet for optimal health benefits.

History of homemade pizza

Pizza is one of the most iconic and popular dishes in world cuisine, with a history dating back to ancient Rome, although the modern version we know today was developed in Italy. Here is a summary of his story:

  1. Background in Ancient Rome: Although it didn't look like modern pizza, there is evidence that ancient Romans consumed a type of flatbread topped with different toppings, such as olive oil, herbs, and cheese. This dish, known as “picea”, is considered by many to be the precursor of pizza.
  2. Development in Italy: The closest version to modern pizza originated in the city of Naples, Italy, during the 17th century. In this region, bakers began adding tomato, an ingredient brought from the New World, to their flatbreads. The addition of tomato gave a distinctive flavor to the dough and it soon became a popular dish among the local population.
  3. The Margherita: In 1889, the Margherita pizza, one of the most famous and classic pizzas, was created in honor of Queen Margaret of Savoy during a visit to Naples. This particular pizza was topped with tomato, mozzarella, and basil to represent the colors of the Italian flag: red, white, and green.
  4. International expantion: Pizza quickly became popular in Italy and eventually spread throughout the world through Italian emigration. In the 20th century, especially after World War II, pizza became a global phenomenon, especially in the United States, where the Italian community took it and adapted it to local preferences.
  5. Varieties and Adaptations: As pizza spread around the world, each region developed its own variations and styles of pizza. From the thin and crispy Neapolitan pizza, to the thick and fluffy Chicago-style pizza, to the creativity of gourmet pizzas with a wide range of toppings, pizza has evolved to adapt to local tastes and personal preferences.

In short, pizza is a dish with a rich and diverse history that has spread throughout the world, becoming a staple in the diet of many cultures and generations.

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