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Japanese Mochi: Authentic and Easy Recipe to Enjoy at Home

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Welcome to the world of Japanese sweets with our exciting recipe for homemade Mochis! Immerse yourself in the delicate and delicious experience of making your own mochis, an exquisite Japanese dessert that captivates with its soft texture and irresistible flavors.

Mochis the Japanese dessert

Mochis the Japanese dessert

Mochis, a soft and sweet Japanese dessert, are a delight for sweet lovers. This basic recipe will guide you step by step to create your own mochis at home. With a mixture of glutinous rice flour, water and sugar, you can enjoy these irresistible bites, either alone or filled with your favorite ingredients. Let's start cooking!

Curse Recipekitchen DessertsDifficulty Easy








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  • 1 Cup of glutinous rice flour (200g) also known as mochiko flour

  • 1 Cup of water

  • 1/4 Cup of sugar

  • Cornstarch (for sprinkling)

  • Filling (optional): red bean paste, white bean paste, strawberries, ice cream, etc.


  • Filling preparation (if necessary):
  • If you decide to fill the mochis, prepare it before making the dough. You can use red bean paste, white bean paste, strawberries or any other filling of your choice. Form small balls or pieces with the filling and set aside.
  • Preparation of the dough:
  • In a large bowl, mix the glutinous rice flour and sugar.
  • Gradually add the water while stirring the mixture. Keep mixing until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough.
  • Cook the mochis:
  • In a large pot, bring water to a boil.
  • While you wait for the water to boil, divide the dough into tablespoon-sized portions and shape into balls.
  • If you are using filling, make a depression in the center of each ball and place the filling in the center. Then, seal the dough around the filling and shape it into a ball again.
  • When the water is boiling, gently place the dough balls into the water. Cook the mochis until they float to the surface, this usually takes about 2-3 minutes.
  • Cooling and sprinkling:
  • Once the mochis are cooked, remove them from the water with a slotted spoon and place them on a plate or tray previously sprinkled with cornstarch. This will prevent the mochis from sticking to each other.
  • Let the mochis cool slightly before serving. You can sprinkle more cornstarch on top to prevent them from sticking together if you wish.Mochis Recipe


  • glutinous rice flour: Make sure to use glutinous rice flour or mochiko flour specifically for this recipe. Regular rice flour will not produce the same sticky, springy texture needed for mochis.
  • Knead gently: When mixing the dough, avoid over-kneading it. Glutinous rice flour is gluten-free, so you don't need to overwork it. Just mix until all ingredients are combined.
  • Cornstarch: Use cornstarch to sprinkle the work surface and the cooked mochis. This will prevent the mochis from sticking to each other and will make them easier to handle.
  • Stuffed: If you decide to fill the mochis, make sure the filling is cold before wrapping it in the dough. This will prevent it from melting and make it easier to form the dough balls.
  • Cook in small batches: Cook the mochis in small batches to prevent them from sticking together in the pot. Do not overcrowd the pot, as this could affect even cooking.
  • Consume fresh: Mochis are best when eaten fresh the same day they are made. If you save them for later, they can become tough. If storage is necessary, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator and warm them slightly before serving.

Nutritional information

  • Calories 200kcal
  • Carbohydrates 40g
  • Protein 2 g
  • Fat 1g
  • Fiber 1g
  • Sugar 8g
Mochis Cover 1
Mochis and Capuccino

Mochis and health benefits

Mochis, like many foods, may have some health benefits depending on the ingredients used and the amount consumed. Here are some aspects that could be considered beneficial:

  1. Low in fat and calories: If prepared in moderation and with low-fat, low-calorie ingredients, mochis can be a lighter dessert option compared to other more calorie-dense sweets.
  2. Gluten and dairy free: The basic version of mochis, made with glutinous rice flour and water, is naturally gluten- and dairy-free, making them safe for people with food sensitivities or intolerances.
  3. Healthy filling options: You can choose to fill your mochis with healthier ingredients, such as fresh fruits, which provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  4. Controlled portions: Being small individual portions, mochis can help you control portions and avoid overconsumption of sweets.
  5. Versatility in ingredients: You can adapt the mochis recipe to make it healthier by choosing high-quality ingredients and low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
  6. Vegan alternatives: By making vegan mochis, you can avoid the consumption of animal products, which can be beneficial for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet.

However, it is important to remember that mochis, especially when consumed in excess or when filled with ingredients high in sugar or fat, can contribute to excessive caloric intake and dietary imbalances. As with any food, it is recommended to enjoy mochis in moderation as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Mochis Desert
Mochis Desert

History of the Mochis

The history of mochis dates back to Japan, where these traditional sweets have been appreciated for centuries. Here is a summary of his story:

Origins: Mochis have their roots in the Heian period (794-1185 AD) in Japan. Originally, they were prepared as offerings in religious rituals and festivals, and were considered a sacred food.

Development: Over time, mochis began to become popular as a sweet consumed throughout the year. They were prepared on special occasions and shared with friends and family at celebrations such as the Japanese New Year (Oshogatsu) and the Girls' Festival (Hinamatsuri).

Traditional process: Preparing traditional mochis involves cooking and then pounding glutinous rice into a sticky dough. This dough is molded into small balls and often filled with sweet bean paste (anko), fruit or ice cream.

Modern evolution: Over time, mochis have evolved and adapted to different tastes and preferences. Today, you can find a wide variety of mochi flavors and fillings, from classic anko to more modern options like chocolate, matcha, and more.

Global Popularity: In recent decades, mochis have gained popularity around the world, thanks to the growing fascination with Japanese food and the availability of mochi-making ingredients in international stores and online.

In short, mochis have a long history in Japan, where they have been appreciated as part of culinary and traditional culture for centuries. Today, they continue to delight people of all ages in Japan and around the world with their sweetness and smooth texture.

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