
Minestrone soup

Minestrone soup is a classic dish of Italian cuisine that is characterized by being a hearty mixture of vegetables, legumes and pasta in an aromatic broth. It is a comforting and versatile preparation that can be adapted depending on available ingredients or personal preferences.

Minestrone soup

Minestrone soup

This minestrone soup recipe is a delicious combination of vegetables, legumes, and pasta in a flavorful broth. It is a versatile and nutritious option that can be adapted based on available ingredients and personal preferences, providing a healthy and comforting meal.

Curse Recipekitchen SoupsDifficulty Easy










  • 2 tablespoons Olive oil spoons

  • 1 und Large onion, chopped

  • 2 cloves Garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 und Carrots, sliced

  • 2 Stems Celery stalks, sliced

  • 1 und Zucchini, cubed

  • 1 und Red pepper, diced

  • 400 grams Canned tomatoes, chopped

  • 400 grams Canned tomatoes, chopped

  • 1 Liter Vegetables soup

  • 400 grams Canned white beans, drained and rinsed

  • 100 grams Short pasta (for example, macaroni or elbows)

  • 1 Teaspoonful Dried oregano

  • 1 Teaspoonful dried basil

  • 1 Pinch Salt and pepper to taste

  • Grated Parmesan cheese, to decorate

  • Chopped fresh parsley, to decorate


  • In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic, and cook until golden and fragrant.
  • Add the carrots, celery, zucchini and red pepper to the pot. Cook the vegetables for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until slightly tender.
  • Add the canned tomatoes, vegetable broth, white beans, oregano, and basil to the pot. Bring the soup to a boil and then reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer for about 20 minutes to let the flavors blend.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate pot, cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain it when it is al dente and set aside.
  • Once the soup has cooked for 20 minutes, add the cooked pasta and mix well. Cook for another 5 minutes to warm the pasta.
  • Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Serve hot soup in individual bowls. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese and chopped fresh parsley on top to garnish.


  • You can adapt the recipe according to your tastes and the ingredients you have available. Add your favorite greens, such as spinach, leeks, or Brussels sprouts. You can even add proteins like shredded chicken or sliced ​​sausage.
  • Use homemade broth: If you have time, make homemade vegetable broth instead of using canned or cubed broth. Homemade broth will give the soup a fresher, more authentic flavor.
  • Add fresh herbs at the end: In addition to the dried herbs mentioned in the recipe, add fresh herbs such as parsley, basil or thyme at the end of cooking. This will add a fresh aroma and flavor to the soup.
  • Control the consistency: If you prefer a thicker soup, you can reduce the amount of broth or add less liquid at the beginning. If you want a lighter soup, simply add a little more broth during cooking.
  • Cook the pasta separately: To prevent the pasta from becoming mushy or absorbing too much liquid, I recommend cooking it separately and then adding it to the soup just before serving. This will ensure that the pasta is al dente and maintains its proper texture.
  • Taste and adjust seasonings: During soup preparation, taste regularly to make sure seasonings are balanced. Add salt, pepper or other spices according to your personal preference.
  • Store leftovers properly: If you have leftover minestrone soup, store it in airtight containers in the refrigerator. You can also freeze leftovers in individual portions to enjoy later.
Minestrone soup

Minestrone soup and health benefits

Minestrone soup is a very healthy and nutritious option. Here are some health benefits associated with this dish:

  1. High in vegetables: Minestrone is full of a variety of vegetables such as carrots, celery, zucchini, peppers, onions, among others. These vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber, contributing to a balanced diet and promoting overall health.
  2. Source of fiber: Minestrone soup contains a good amount of fiber thanks to the vegetables and white beans. Fiber helps maintain healthy digestion, promotes satiety, regulates blood sugar levels, and contributes to cardiovascular health.
  3. Low in fat and calories: In its traditional version, minestrone soup tends to be low in fat and calories, especially if ingredients high in added fat are avoided. This makes it an ideal option for those looking to control their weight or maintain a healthy diet.
  4. Nutrient-rich: The combination of vegetables, legumes, and pasta in minestrone soup provides a variety of essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin A), minerals (such as potassium and iron), proteins, and complex carbohydrates .
  5. Hydration: Being a soup, it also contributes to adequate hydration of the body, which is important to maintain water balance and the proper functioning of the organs.

Remember that health benefits may vary depending on the specific ingredients used and preparation methods. It is always advisable to use fresh, quality ingredients, and adapt the recipe according to your needs and food preferences.

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